Concierge Styling
for the Bride, Mothers Of, & More
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“I Help women feel beautiful and confident for life’s most special moments.”
—Lesley Brickman, Founder
The ONE GOWN Bride
My clients are stylish and busy women who are often overwhelmed with the wedding gown search. I help them define, refine, and execute their Bridal Vision to achieve their perfect wedding day style with my bridal stylist services.
My clients are from throughout North America and are all high-achieving professionals from many industries, including:
Physicians, Nurses, and other Healthcare Heroes
Attorneys and Financial Sector Leaders
Doctoral Candidates, Graduate Students and Scientists
Fortune 500 Executives, Managers and Directors
Award-Winning Realtors
Top-tier sales Professionals from Major Global Companies
Entrepreneurs and Other Professional Service Providers
…and the equally busy and successful Mothers, Grandmothers, and friends of the above-listed women!
The New Way to Shop
Wedding planning is stressful enough. Finding your wedding gown (or Mother Of dress!) doesn’t have to be.